There is another option that doesn't need javascript and most probably will live longer. The Range selection can use values from the MDX so we can change query to get what we're looking for :
SET [dates] as [Time].[Calendar].[Day].allmembers
Function ic3Min() as Head([dates])
Function ic3Max() as Tail([dates])
Function ic3DefFrom() as Tail([dates]).dtWithDayOfMonth(1) // first day of month , not the same as withDayOfMonth
Function ic3DefTo() as Tail([dates])
{ic3Min(),ic3Max(),ic3DefFrom(),ic3DefTo()} on 0
FROM [Sales]
You've a nice family of date functions in MDX that allow for navigating time. In our example , LookupByKey,Today and withDayOfMonth. Something like
[Time].[Calendar].[Day].lookupByKey( Today()->withDayOfMonth(1) )
That could be transformed into a function to be reused :
Function myDatesStartOfCurrentMonth() as [Time].[Calendar].[Day].lookupByKey(Today()->withDayOfMonth(1) )
Eventually you've to change the filter to use the MDX values :
And that should make it.