I'm quite sure I know the answer to this question already, but I'd hate to be wrong. I have a Code Signing Cert from a CA and want to share the public key to make it easier for IT people to add me to Trusted Publishers for MS Office, e.g. via Group Policy.
So - paranoid that I might share the wrong thing, I ran my code on a 'clean' PC and, via macro security, added the cert to the trusted publishers. Then from Internet Explorer I 'successfully' exported the certificate as DER Encoded Binary (.CER).
I'd imagine that the resulting file is the PUBLIC part of the certificate and the Cert:
Can someone confirm whether or not all this is ok (or am I justified in my paranoia / setting myself up for problems)?
Are there any other steps that I need to know? I want to give the Cert to a client so they can bulk install for all their users...
Many thanks,
The answer is yes - it is OK, necessary even, to share this information.