When we query a dimension/hierarchy with multiple levels, the drill is by default allowed thru all the levels of that hierarchy...
For example, in a hierarchy made of : Continent/Country/State/City
What is the solution to restrict the drill to the State level (i.e. not showing the city level) without having to create a new hierarchy without City ?
I heard that this can be done using fonctions in the schema scripts to "flatten" the hierarchy.
Can someone give me a live example of that ?
The first is mapping our navigation as an MDX function (you could also copy&paste the code but there is no reuse). Somethink like this (Sales example) :
CREATE FUNCTION navigationDemo(_x) AS
WHEN _x.hierarchy is [Customers].[Geography] THEN [Product].[Product].[Category]
WHEN _x.hierarchy is [Product].[Product] THEN [Time].[Year].[Year]
Once this is done we can go to our widget, in our example a table, and define a Drilldown Strategy. It should be of type mdxExpression and we can insert into the MDX Expression our newly created function
navigationDemo( $member ) // where $member is the clicked member in the table
Do no forget to set the 'Filter by' as we want the new data to be filtered by the clicked member.