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Call to a member function all() on array After update from Laravel 5.2 to 5.3

Update Laravel 5.3 from 5.2 and after I am getting an error

FatalErrorException in Builder.php line 638: Call to a member function all() on array

I used Laravel shift tool to upgrade framework and after successful composer update, I am facing this issue.


public function index()
    $static_block_array = [];
    $static_block       = StaticBlock::whereIn('identifier', [

    foreach ($static_block as $value) {
        $static_block_array[$value->identifier] = isset($value->staticBlockContent[0]) ? $value->staticBlockContent[0]->content : "";

    return View::make('home/index')
            ->with('desktop_store_front_first_row', array_get($static_block_array, 'DESKTOP_STORE_FRONT_ROW_1_BLOCK', ''))
            ->with('desktop_store_front_second_row', array_get($static_block_array, 'DESKTOP_STORE_FRONT_ROW_2_BLOCK', ''))
            ->with('desktop_top_row_content', array_get($static_block_array, 'TOP_ROW_HOMEPAGE_BLOCK', ''))
            ->with('desktop_bottom_block', array_get($static_block_array, 'DESKTOP_BOTTOM_BLOCK', ''));


  • Issue is solved now. we created a custom logic to cache query in remember method we return a plain array but after converting to a collection object issue is solved.

     return collect($cache->remember($key, $minutes, $callback));