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How to avoid issues when embedding a TForm in another TForm?

I often embed a TForm descendant into another TForm descendant like this:

  Form1: TForm1;
  Form2: TForm2;
  Form2.Parent      := Form1;
  Form2.BorderStyle := bsNone;
  Form2.Align       := alClient;

Usually this works just fine, but sometimes the controls in Form2 are not aligned properly. Is there a general workaround for this sort of problem?

Does anybody know what is causing this "misalignment"?

I know that I could use TFrame for this kind of job, but I have a lot of library code that I would have to rewrite and I do not see any reason why the TForm in TForm approach should not work?

Edit: I have identified the component TcxListView as the culprit here, I have submitted a bug report to the component vendor (DevExpress):

Edit 2: The developers at DevExpress have analyzed the problem and said that it is actually a defect in the TGridPanel component by Embarcadero:


  • I do this as well and I use the following routine to make it happen:

    procedure TMyForm.PlaceInsideContainer(Container: TWinControl);
      Parent := Container;
      Align := alClient;
      BorderIcons := [];
      BorderStyle := bsNone;
      ParentBackground := True;

    I have no problems with this. The only difference that I could possibly imagine could be relevant is the assignment of BorderIcons, but I would doubt that causes a problem.