I'm currently constructing an SQL query (in Python) along the lines of:
query = "SELECT * FROM Table WHERE (" + \
" OR ".join([firstType+'=1' for firstType in firstTypes]) + \
") AND (" + \
" OR ".join([secondType+'=1' for secondType in secondTypes]) + \
which, given two lists firstType=['B','F']
and secondType=['a','d']
produces the query
SELECT * FROM Table WHERE ( ('B'=1 OR 'F'=1) AND ('a'=1 OR 'd'=1) )
which I execute with Table.raw(query)
I know how to produce that particular query in Peewee, something like:
Table.select().where( (Table.B=1 | Table.F=1) & (Table.a=1 | Table.d=1) )
but the problem is that I don't know the contents of the two lists (i.e. the columns) in advance.
How do I construct a Peewee query dynamically based on (potentally many) columns which are known only at runtime?
It's quite easy -- you just use field = getattr(MyModel, 'field_name')
or alternatively field = MyModel._meta.fields['field_name']
Then you would presumably generate a list of expressions:
data = {'field_a': 1, 'field_b': 33, 'field_c': 'test'}
clauses = []
for key, value in data.items():
field = MyModel._meta.fields[key]
clauses.append(field == value)
To AND all the clauses together, you can:
import operator
expr = reduce(operator.and_, clauses) # from itertools import reduce in Py3
To OR them:
import operator
expr = reduce(operator.or_, clauses)
The last step is just to drop it into the where()
clause of a query.