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Dynamic dropdowns using thymeleaf, spring boot

I have 3 dropdowns(one is populate with cities, one with agencies and one with services). If I select one city, the second dropdown should load the data(agencies), and if i select one agency, the 3 dropdown should load data(services). I am able to populate the first dropdown(cities), but I don't know how to populate the second and third.

Should i write a controller for each dropdown and return the value? If the answer is yes, how can I return the value? I've read that Thymeleaf is not a component technology but a template technology like JSP. So there is not components or built-in mechanism in Thymeleaf to do client-server communication. So I need to program that communication using plain old HTML forms or using AJAX calls. How can I program it using plain old HTML?

I tried using forms, but I click submit only once, it is not what I need. I read the posts about dropdowns, but couldn't find anything helpful. I saw that the easy way is to use jQuery, but I don't know jQuery. Is there a way I can do this using only thymeleaf and spring boot? Thanks! I will post my code below.


<form th:action="@{/appointment/create}" method="post" id="appointmentForm">
            <input type="hidden" name="id" th:value="${}"/>
<div class="form-group">
                <label for="location">Alege orasul:</label>
                <select class="form-control" required="required" 
th:value="${appointment.location}" name="location" id="location">
                    <option disabled="disabled" selected="selected" > -- 
alege orasul --</option>
                    <option th:each="city : ${cities}" th:value="${}" 
th:text="${}" ></option>

            <form th:action="@{/appointment/agency}" method="post" id="appointmentForm">
            <input type="hidden" name="id" th:value="${}"/>
            <div class="form-group">
                <label for="location">Alege agentia:</label>
                <select class="form-control" th:value="${}" name="agency" id="agency" required="required">
                    <option disabled="disabled" selected="selected" > -- alege agentia --</option>
                    <option th:each="agency : ${agencies}" th:value="${}" th:text="${}" ></option>

            <form th:action="@{/appointment/service}" method="post" id="appointmentForm">
            <input type="hidden" name="id" th:value="${}"/>
            <div class="form-group">
                <label for="location">Alege serviciul:</label>
                <select class="form-control" th:value="${appointment.service}" name="service" id="service" required="required">
                    <option disabled="disabled" selected="selected" > -- alege serviciul --</option>
                    <option th:each="service : ${services}" th:value="${}" th:text="${}" ></option>


public class AppointmentController {

UserService userService;    
AppointmentService appointmentService;  
CityService cityService;
AgencyService agencyService;
SerService serService;
private ModelAndView mav;

@RequestMapping(value="/create", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String createAppointmentPost(Model model, @ModelAttribute("city") City 
city, @ModelAttribute("agency") Agency agency){

    Appointment appointment=new Appointment();
    model.addAttribute("appointment", appointment);
    model.addAttribute("dateString", "");
    model.addAttribute("cities", cityService.findAll());
    //getAllAgencies(model, city);
    return "appointment";

@RequestMapping(value="/agency", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String getAllAgencies(Model model, @ModelAttribute("city") City city){
    model.addAttribute("agencies", agencyService.listAllAgencies(city));
    return "redirect:/appointment/create";
public void getAllServices(Model model, @ModelAttribute("agency") Agency 
    model.addAttribute("services", serService.listAllServices(agency));



  • So I was able solving this using jQuery.

    Here is a useful link: I will post my code below, maybe will help someone


    @RequestMapping(value="/create", method=RequestMethod.GET)
    public String createAppointmentPost(Model model, @ModelAttribute("city") City 
            @ModelAttribute("agency") Agency agency){
        Appointment appointment=new Appointment();
        model.addAttribute("appointment", appointment);
        model.addAttribute("dateString", "");
        model.addAttribute("cities", cityService.findAll());
        return "appointment";
    @RequestMapping(value = "/agencies", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public @ResponseBody
    List<Agency> findAllAgencies(
            @RequestParam(value = "cityId", required = true) Long cityId) {
        City city = cityService.findCity(cityId);
        return agencyService.listAllAgencies(city);


    <div class="form-group">
        <label for="location">Alege orasul:</label>
        <select  class="form-control" required="required" 
           th:value="${appointment.location}" name="location" id="location">
          <option disabled="disabled" selected="selected" > -- 
          alege orasul --
          <option th:each="city : ${cities}" th:value="${}" 
           th:text="${}" >
    <div class="form-group">
             <label for="location">Alege agentia:</label>
                    <select class="form-control" th:value="${}" 
                    name="agency" id="agency" required="required">
                        <option disabled="disabled" selected="selected" > --alege 
                        agentia --</option>

    jQuery- for one dropdown

            function() {
                $.getJSON("http://localhost:8181/appointment/agencies", {
                    cityId : $(this).val(),
                    ajax : 'true'
                }, function(data) {
                    var html = '<option value="">--alege agentia--</option>';
                    var len = data.length;
                    for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                        html += '<option value="' + data[i].nume + '">'
                                + data[i].nume + '</option>';
                    html += '</option>';