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trying to lunch a website application with VS2015 and port 80 is in use

I am using VS2015 and I am trying to run a website application, but every time I run the project I can't load the IISExpress because it says that the port 80 is in use, I run the Tcpview.exe from SysInternals to see who was using the port, but seems not to be in use. I found some related threads saying that can be a problem with the antivirus, I am using Symantec.

Here are the properties of the project, as you can see I tried to change the port manually, but it didn't worked

See the picture below

enter image description here

enter image description here


  • It is something weird, if the website is inside a solution, seems that it doesn't load correctly the application and all the time the port is ins use. I solved it using this approach

    I just loaded directly using the Visual Studio Option-> Open-> Website and removing the entries from that the post below advice