Can anyone assist me in manually converting an integer into an IP address?
I understand the concept, but I am struggling to figure out the process; the number 631271850, has an IP address of ''.
I know that an IP address is made up of four octets and the solution I have to manually converting an IP address into a number is:
def ip_to_num(ip_address)
array = ip_address.split('.').map(&:to_i)
((array[0] * 2**24) + (array[1] * 2**16) + (array[2] * 2**8) + (array[3]))
To do the reverse is puzzling me. How do I convert it back?
An IP is just a 32-bit integer representing a 4-byte array:
=> ""
Just for fun, another way to convert IP to int:
=> 631271850