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Ionic 2 live reload server error when trying to debug Ionic project with VS Code

I'm trying to debug an Ionic 2 project (error occurs for any sample project) with VS Code and Cordova Tools Extension. I choose default option "Serve to the browser (ionic serve)" and receive following error message after hitting the run button:

"The Ionic live reload server exited unexpectedly Error in the Ionic live reload server: Error: listen EADDRINUSE"

System Information:

Mac OS 10.12.4, VS Code 1.12.1, Cordova Tools (for VS Code) 1.2.7

launch.json entry (error occurs even when "ionicLiveReload": false):

        "name": "Serve to the browser (ionic serve)",
        "type": "cordova",
        "request": "launch",
        "platform": "serve",
        "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
        "devServerAddress": "localhost",
        "sourceMaps": true,
        "ionicLiveReload": true,
        "devServerTimeout": 120000

Thanks for your help!


  • There was bug in extension related to killing process tree, which is fixed in dev version (master branch), but it hasn't released yet. You need to kill these processes manually.

    ps -ax | grep ionic - find pid of this process

    kill -9 <PID> - kill it

    Run ionic serve again.

    P.S. There is not fully support for Ionic2 project in v1.2.7, but it will be in the next release.