I'm a little new to Polymer and don't quite get what's happening here. I'm trying to create a simple form page. This is the code:
<dom-module id="sams-add-student">
<template >
<div class="vertical-section">
<paper-button on-click="addstudent">SUBMIT</paper-button>
(function() {
'use strict';
is: 'sams-add-student',
properties: {
item: {
type: Object
addstudent: function (event) {
However, I get an error that the listener method is not defined. Am I missing something?
You've incorrectly declared the addstudent
method inside properties
when it should actually be outside properties
at the top-level of the object.
is: 'sams-add-student',
properties: {
// addstudent: function() {...} // DON'T DO THIS HERE
addstudent: function() {...} // DO THIS HERE