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What is the variable type if it takes a function?

I'm writing a constructor that takes a string, and int and a function (and possibly something more that I'm not aware of at the moment). This far, I've got the following.

export class Blobb {
  constructor(public value: number, 
              public name: string, 
              public mapping: function,
              public misc: any) { ... }

Apparently, the variable mapping crashes the transpilation because function isn't a valid type. I'm not sure what to do with it.

Is there a specific type for a function being passed to the constructor? Is any the preferred approach? Should I consider declaring my own type?

If it's of any significance, the function to be passed will always be something like this (but with varying computations, of course).

mapping() {
  this.value * 13 + ": " +;


  • You can annotate the parameter with the exact function signature instead of specifying it just as a Function. In your case it can be typed as () => void:

    export class Blobb {
      constructor(public value: number, 
                  public name: string, 
                  public mapping: () => void,
                  public misc: any) { ... }

    TypeScript function types: