I am using VSTS's Deploy Azure App Service task to deploy a node.js app to an Azure App Service Web App, supplying a custom iisnode.yml
, web.config
, and deploy.cmd
My VSTS build artifacts looks fine through the explorer:
The task has checkedmarked:
Publish using Web Deploy
Remove additional files at destination
The task's Deploy Azure App Service.log
shows (it says Updating instead of Adding for iisnode.yml
because I manually added one before this deploy).
2017-05-07T05:51:51.4939189Z Info: Updating file (MyRepo\iisnode.yml).
2017-05-07T05:51:51.4939189Z Info: Updating file (MyRepo\package.json).
And the deploy.cmd
is pretty much just using yarn
instead of npm
from the scripts you can generate with the azure cli.
However, in the Azure debug console, it does not list iisnode.yml
PS D:\home\site\wwwroot> ls
Directory: D:\home\site\wwwroot
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d---- 5/5/2017 5:27 PM config
d---- 5/5/2017 5:27 PM dist
d---- 5/7/2017 7:07 AM node_modules
d---- 5/5/2017 5:27 PM public
-a--- 5/7/2017 6:43 AM 32 .deployment
-a--- 5/7/2017 6:43 AM 3657 deploy.cmd
-a--- 5/7/2017 6:43 AM 4509 package.json
-a--- 5/7/2017 6:43 AM 148 server.js
-a--- 5/7/2017 6:43 AM 2556 web.config
-a--- 5/7/2017 6:43 AM 269807 yarn.lock
This causes the node process with run without the desired settings. What is removing iisnode.yml
The work around I did was either put all the settings in web.config
or just the line:
<iisnode configOverrides="iisnodeoverride.yml"/>
It seems changing from the default name made it stick.