Search code examples

Grocery Crud not showing all items added

I have 'intervalosHorarios' and 'entregas' in my proyect, and when i clic on an 'intervaloHorario' it shows 'entregas' from that 'intervaloHorario'. The problem is to add more 'entregas' because it's showing only the fist one added. I wanna show all 'entregas' inside that 'intervaloHorario'. Any ideas?

Tables enter image description here


public function entregas_lista($idCarga) {

        $crud = new grocery_CRUD();

        $datos = array(
            'title' => "entregas", // En la vista 'header' tendré una variable $title
            'username' => "Administrador"

        $this->load->view('commons/header', $datos);

        //Quitamos los botones de añadir y quitar


        $crud->where('idCarga =', $idCarga);

        $crud->display_as('idCarga', 'Nº Entrega');
        $crud->set_subject('Carga / Descarga'); 
      $crud->set_relation('idIntervaloHorario', 'intervalosHorarios', 'intervaloHorario');

        $crud->columns('fechaCita', 'horaCita', 'numeroEntrega', 'cliente', 'Origen', 'Destino', 'cargaPrevista', 'entregaPrevista', 'accion', 'estado');

        $output = $crud->render();


        //---------------   Cargo la vista 'commons/footer.php'  ------------- /

    function _example_output($output = null) {
        $this->load->view('example', (array) $output);

When I clic on 'De 12:00 a 13:30 it shows the same rows that 'De 7:00 a 8:30' link, and if i uncomment 'where' clause, it shows fine (the information of that link) but only with one row.

Interval table enter image description here

Delivery tableenter image description here


  • You are setting $crud->where('idCarga =', $idCarga); and I suppose that $idCarga is the PK of 'Entregas' table and PK's are unique. So it can be only one row for each PK.

    EDIT: $crud->where('entregas.idIntervaloHorario =', $idCarga); to mach every row which has FK of 'IntervalosHorarios' table.