I have a query that select some rows from datatable,but the clause where
is concatenated according to many test, bellow what i have tried but he didn't work :
Dim queryArchi = (From b In DataBien.AsEnumerable()
Group b By b!nom_ville, b!Designation_projet, b!code_ville, b!code_projet Into Group
Select nom_ville, Designation_projet,code_ville, code_projet, NBP = Group.Count())
If vil <> "" Then queryArchi = queryArchi.Where(Function(d) d.code_ville = vil)
If p > 0 Then queryArchi.Where(Function(d) d.code_projet.Equals(p))
queryStructure = queryArchi.ToList
Only the first test is working :
If vil <> "" Then queryArchi = queryArchi.Where(Function(d) d.code_ville = vil)
Look at these two rows:
If vil <> "" Then queryArchi = queryArchi.Where(Function(d) d.code_ville = vil)
If p > 0 Then queryArchi.Where(
Don't you see the difference? There is a missing queryArchi =
If p > 0 Then queryArchi = queryArchi.Where(
LINQ operators don't "modify" the original query, they simply return a "new" query with the LINQ operator "added".