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Android - Auto update app icon badge counter from content provider?

I have used this solution to add a badge counter to my app icon. I am using the counter to show how many items there are in the app's queue_table that are waiting to be sent to the server.

First of all, I have create a MyBootReceiver class that updates the badge count when the device boots. This part works fine.

The part I need advice on is the right way to keep the badge count updated whenever the queue is updated. (The queue can be updated by various components of the app - e.g., from the user manually adds items to the queue and from MyIntentService sending queued items to the server).

My queue_table is accessible via a ContentProvider in the app, so what I essentially need to know is the best way to monitor this content provider for changes (so the badge icon can be updated accordingly).

I am wondering if the best (or only) solution would be for me to create a MyApplication class that registers a ContentObserver in its onCreate method - e.g.,

public void onCreate() {

     * Register for changes in queue_table, so the app's badge number can be updated in MyObserver#onChange()
    Context context = getApplicationContext();
    ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver();
    boolean notifyForDescendents = true;
    myObserver = new MyObserver(new Handler(), context);
    cr.registerContentObserver(myContentProviderUri, notifyForDescendents, myObserver);


Also, if I do use such a solution, would I need to worry about unregistering myObserver and, if so, how would I do that in MyApplication?


  • The way I did it was to use a ContentObserver in my MyApplication class.

    If you don't have a MyApplication class already, you need to specify it in your manifest file by adding the android:name=".MyApplication" attribute to your <application /> element.

    Then you create the the MyApplication class that contains a ContentObserver like this:

    package com.example.myapp;
    import android.content.ContentResolver;
    import android.content.Context;
    import android.database.ContentObserver;
    import android.os.Handler;
    public class MyApplication extends Application {
        private static String LOG_TAG = MyApplication.class.getSimpleName();
        public MyApplication() {
        private MyContentObserver myContentObserver = null;
        public void onCreate() {
             * Register for changes in tables associated with myUri, so the app's badge number can be updated in MyContentObserver#onChange()
            myContentObserver = new MyContentObserver(new Handler(), this);
            ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();
            boolean notifyForDescendents = true;
            Uri[] myUri = ...;
            cr.registerContentObserver(myUri, notifyForDescendents, myContentObserver);
        private class MyContentObserver extends ContentObserver {
            public MyContentObserver(Handler handler, Context context) {
            public void onChange(boolean selfChange) {
                this.onChange(selfChange, null);
            public void onChange(boolean selfChange, Uri uri) {