I'm trying to compile ORMLite query statement but I'm getting the following SQLException
Could not compile this SELECT_LONG statement since the caller is expecting a SELECT statement. Check your QueryBuilder methods.
I've tried all the possible ways to do so but I'm always getting it, my primary try was:
QueryBuilder<Message, Integer> messagesQueryBuilder = dbManager.getMessagesDao().queryBuilder();
Where<Message, Integer> resultedQuery = messagesQueryBuilder.where().in(Message.SCHOOL_COLUMN_NAME, schoolIntegerQueryBuilder);
Long count = messagesQueryBuilder.countOf();
messagesQueryBuilder.orderBy(Message.MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP, false);
messagesQueryBuilder.queryForFirst(); // getting it here
And then I tried to prepare the query first:
messagesQueryBuilder.orderBy(Message.MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP, false);
Message message = dbManager.getMessagesDao().query(messagesQueryBuilder.prepare()).get(0); // getting here also
And finally tried to prepare it separately in a new object then using that object:
PreparedQuery<Message> queryForMessage = messagesQueryBuilder.orderBy(Message.MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP, false).prepare();
Message message = dbManager.getMessagesDao().query(queryForMessage).get(0); // also failing here with the same Exception
I don't know what I'm exactly doing wrong but even though I tried all the possible ways that normally working with me.
Finally found where is the problem, in ORMLite when executing a method you are like executing a statements not only getting values to store it somewhere else, so when executing this:
Long count = messagesQueryBuilder.countOf();
now the messagesQueryBuilder
contains only the retrieved count not the whole query result that was stored in it before.
Hence, to solve my problem, I reordered the code execution lines to be as the following:
QueryBuilder<Message, Integer> messagesQueryBuilder = dbManager.getMessagesDao().queryBuilder();
Where<Message, Integer> resultedQuery = messagesQueryBuilder.where().in(Message.SCHOOL_COLUMN_NAME, schoolIntegerQueryBuilder);
messagesQueryBuilder.orderBy(Message.MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP, false);
Message message = messagesQueryBuilder.queryForFirst();
Long count = messagesQueryBuilder.countOf();