Although I have looked everywhere I think I possibly could to find my answer, I have not been able to figure out how to correctly document the function "struct Entity * NewEntity()" so that it appears documented when doxywizard runs.
It just keeps telling me: "warning: Member NewEntity() (function) of file entity.h is not documented."
Yet, the code is:
* @fn struct Entity* NewEntity()
* @brief Initialises single entity.
* @return null if it fails, else finds empty spot in entity manager to use to make a new entity
* @author br66
* @date 3/30/2017
struct Entity* NewEntity()
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 255; i++)
if (_entityM[i].m_active == 0)
// clear that space, just in case there's anything left over from its last use
memset(&_entityM[i], 0, sizeof(struct Entity));
_entityM[i].m_active = 1;
// any entity defaults? stay tooooooned
return &_entityM[i];
return NULL;
Reading the documentation, it tells me to make sure the header file is documented, but it has not changed anything and I still get that warning.
You have two comment blocks. /****...***/ /* @fn... */
The second comment is not looked at by doxygen.
A doxygen comment block should start with an extra '*' /** @fn... */