MatchFirst seems to not pass to the next ParseExpression when it seems like the first ParseExpression should have failed.
I have a file (BOM extract from OrCAD) that has a header, lines with component info and continuation lines for part references:
(named test_string_body, tabs are used in the component section for spacing)
SCH, WACI Revised: Wednesday, March 29, 2017
357403-01 Revision: A
Bill Of Materials March 29,2017 17:53:04 Page1
Item P/N Quantity Value PCB Footprint Part Reference
1 177347 5 100P capc1608_is0603n C1,C2,C3,C4,C5
2 176054 9 1.0uF capc3216_is1206n C6,C23,C32,C88,C95,C98,
3 177606 31 100P capc1005_is0402n C7,C8,C9,C10,C11,C12,C13,
For parsing the full lines I use:
grammer_line_full = (LineStart() + Word(nums, min=1)('cmpt_item') +
Word(nums)('cmpt_part_num') +
Word(nums)('cmpt_qty') +
Word(printables)('cmpt_value') +
Word(alphanums + '_')('cmpt_footprint') +
Word(alphanums + ',')('cmpt_references1')
and for the continuation lines:
grammer_line_short = White('\t', exact=5) + Word(alphanums + ',')('cmpt_references2')
if I set:
grammer_body = grammer_line_full
or I set:
grammer_body = grammer_line_short
I get the result I am expecting (just the appropriate lines):
for match, start, stop in grammer_body.parseWithTabs().scanString(test_string_body):
If I set:
grammer_body = grammer_line_full | grammer_line_short
I only get the full lines?
grammer_line_full or grammer_line_full | grammer_line_short:
['1', '177347', '5', '100P', 'capc1608_is0603n', 'C1,C2,C3,C4,C5']
['2', '176054', '9', '1.0uF', 'capc3216_is1206n', 'C6,C23,C32,C88,C95,C98,']
['3', '177606', '31', '100P', 'capc1005_is0402n', 'C7,C8,C9,C10,C11,C12,C13,']...
Just grammer_line_short:
['\t\t\t\t\t', 'C99,C140,C141']
['\t\t\t\t\t', 'C14,C15,C16,C53,C56,C64,']
['\t\t\t\t\t', 'C69,C261,C262,C263,C268,']...
If I delete
White('\t', exact=5) +
from grammer_line_short, it finds the continuation lines but it also matches a bunch of stuff from the header:
['1', '177347', '5', '100P', 'capc1608_is0603n', 'C1,C2,C3,C4,C5']
['2', '176054', '9', '1.0uF', 'capc3216_is1206n', 'C6,C23,C32,C88,C95,C98,']
I added:
+ White('\t', exact=1).suppress()
to each of the elements in grammer_line_full and it didn't change anything.
I end up concatenating continuation line part references with the full line values so I think I need to parse them separately. My end goal is parse all the header info (code not shown, have a parser for it) and all the component info.
I know working with whitespaces is not preferred but it seems the best way to handle this kind of format except that it doesn't work for me...
I suspect that the MatchFirst expression is implicitly skipping the whitespace at the beginning of the continuation lines. Try doing this (untested):
grammer_body = (grammer_line_full | grammer_line_short).leaveWhitespace()