consider the following namespace:
// foo.h
namespace foo
extern int bar;
namespace foo
extern int bar = 42;
is there a way to change the value of bar
somewhere else in the project (i.e, not inside the namespace)?
I mean something like:
// in some other .cpp file
#include foo.h
int setBar(int x)
foo::bar = x;
is there a way to change the value of bar somewhere else in the project (i.e, not inside the namespace)?
Yes, almost exactly as you've shown.
The only issue in your sample code is that you used extern
in your foo.cpp
file where you define your foo::bar
variable. You need to remove extern
from foo.cpp
#include <iostream>
// foo.h
namespace foo
extern int bar; // use extern in header file to declare a variable
// foo.cpp
namespace foo
int bar = 42; // no extern in cpp file.
int setBar(int x)
std::cout << "old foo::bar: " << foo::bar << std::endl;
foo::bar = x;
std::cout << "new foo::bar: " << foo::bar << std::endl;
int main()
old foo::bar: 42
new foo::bar: 999