I have currently a problem with arrays in php,
i requested all <li>
tags from an html site with:
$dochtml = new DOMDocument();
$dochtml -> loadHTMLFile("my.html");
/*get all li’s*/
$lis = $dochtml -> getElementsByTagName('li');
My Html Body:
<li id="vdfvdfvf"></li>
<li id="id_1"> My Value 1</li>
<li id="id_2"> My Value 2</li>
<li id="id_3"> My Value 3</li>
<li id="id_4"> My Value 4</li>
<li id="efgvefgvfg">gfegvefgbv</li>
then i echo all id’s and values from my <li>
foreach($lis as $key) {
$id = $key -> getAttribute('id');
$value = $key -> nodeValue;
echo $id. ' - '.$value.'<br>';
0 - gfvgvefg
0 - ferfergegeg
vdfvdfvf - 0
id_1 - My Value 1
id_2 - My Value 2
id_3 - My Value 3
id_4 - My Value 4
0 - 0
efgvefgvfg - gfegvefgbv
You see some id’s are 0, and values too.
What i want is this Output (print_r):
Array ( [id_1] => My Value 1
[id_2] => My Value 2
[id_3] => My Value 3
[id_4] => My Value 4)
So only the id’s with id_* and the correct Value, in an array.
I try this:
foreach($lis as $key) {
// gets, and outputs the ID and content of each DIV
$id = $key -> getAttribute('id');
$value = $key -> nodeValue;
//echo $id. ' - '.$value.'<br>';
$array = array($value => $id);
$matches = preg_grep('/^id_(\w+)/i', $array);
but i get this output (print_r):
Array ( ) Array ( ) Array ( ) Array ( ) Array ( ) Array ( ) Array ( ) Array ( ) Array ( )
no id no value, nothing. I know i can use array_keys by preg_grep, but then i get only the id’s and the empty arrays…
Here is the code in an online compile, for better understanding.
Help me please.
Do everything in a single foreach
$arrLis = array();
foreach($lis as $key) {
$id = $key -> getAttribute('id');
// check if `id` starts with `id_` string
if (strpos($id, 'id_') === 0) {
$value = $key -> nodeValue;
echo $id. ' - '.$value.'<br>';
$arrLis[$id] = $value;