I am trying to get the value of the 'text' key in a Json object that I get from a GET request to twitter via the twit library.
Im trying to use the filter function on the array because i wanna do functional programming.
I can use the json object inside a callback function on the T.get function:
const gotData = function(err, data, response) {
T.get('search/tweets', params , gotData)
Then I want to filter only the value on the text key on each of the statuses, which is an array of objects
So i tried this:
let results = data.statuses.filter(
function(result){ return result.hasOwnProperty('text')
But I get back the same data.statuses back... ?
I want to get only the value of the text keys on the objects, what im I doing wrong ?
this is my whole code:
const Twit = require('twit')
const config = require('./config')
const T = new Twit(config)
let params = { q: 'drum', count: 2 }
const gotData = function(err, data, response) {
let results = data.statuses.filter(function(result){ return result.hasOwnProperty('text')})
T.get('search/tweets', params , gotData)
And this a sample of the Json response i get, which corresponds to the data on the gotData function:
{ statuses:
[ { created_at: 'Sun May 07 11:35:16 +0000 2017',
id: 861182642888343600,
id_str: '861182642888343552',
text: '@was_going \nEvery hunk bore seven drums,\nEvery drum owned seven drums…',
truncated: false,
entities: [Object],
metadata: [Object],
source: '<a href="http://cheapbotsdonequick.com" rel="nofollow">Cheap Bots, Done Quick!</a>',
in_reply_to_status_id: 861181362954489900,
in_reply_to_status_id_str: '861181362954489856',
in_reply_to_user_id: 795028044758949900,
in_reply_to_user_id_str: '795028044758949888',
in_reply_to_screen_name: 'was_going',
user: [Object],
geo: null,
coordinates: null,
place: null,
contributors: null,
is_quote_status: false,
retweet_count: 0,
favorite_count: 0,
favorited: false,
retweeted: false,
lang: 'en' },
{ created_at: 'Sun May 07 11:35:09 +0000 2017',
id: 861182610596405200,
id_str: '861182610596405248',
text: 'Would you rather have Data storage or A pedal assembly for a bass drum or high hat cymbals?',
truncated: false,
entities: [Object],
metadata: [Object],
source: '<a href="http://cheapbotsdonequick.com" rel="nofollow">Cheap Bots, Done Quick!</a>',
in_reply_to_status_id: null,
in_reply_to_status_id_str: null,
in_reply_to_user_id: null,
in_reply_to_user_id_str: null,
in_reply_to_screen_name: null,
user: [Object],
geo: null,
coordinates: null,
place: null,
contributors: null,
is_quote_status: false,
retweet_count: 0,
favorite_count: 0,
favorited: false,
retweeted: false,
lang: 'en' } ],
{ completed_in: 0.034,
max_id: 861182642888343600,
max_id_str: '861182642888343552',
next_results: '?max_id=861182610596405247&q=drum&count=2&include_entities=1',
query: 'drum',
refresh_url: '?since_id=861182642888343552&q=drum&include_entities=1',
count: 2,
since_id: 0,
since_id_str: '0' } }
You just check if theres a text property. You might also want to map it to that property:
let results = data.statuses.filter(
Or if you take care on performance ( O(n) instead of O(n+n*r)):
let results= data.statuses.reduce((arr,result)=>(result.text&&arr.push(result.text)&&false)||arr,[]);