I need to use a config file for my application which will save a list of details for each entity: for example-
<person A>
<name= >
<age= >
<person B>
<age= >
is something of this sort possile in the settings class or this requires using the app.config file wihtout the settings class wrapper?
Edit: My application used to have a single entity, now it should support multiple entities and therefore save multiple entities in some config.
Yes, you can save any sort of information (strings) in .config file. You'd then use the ConfigurationManager class to access the saved information by using a Key.
But why would you want to save information like this in the .config?
I recommend you use an XML document for this purpose. You can then use the XDocument class to parse it.
After reading your comment, I think the app.config file cannot save an object. So you could not save a class object there.