I want to install Eclipse kura on Raspberry pi 3(Rasbarian or Ubuntu mate OS)
According to kura download page, I have tried out both network and no-network samples(kura_2.1.0_raspberry-pi-2-3_installer.deb and ) and (kura_2.1.0_raspberry-pi-2-3-nn_installer.deb)separately.
According to http://eclipse.github.io/kura/doc/raspberry-pi-quick-start.html, it asked to purge dhcpcd5 and remove network manager first and then need to install the kura. Issue is,
According to https://iot.eclipse.org/java/tutorial page, it installs kura without removing/purging dhcpcd5/network manager settings.
Let me the know the correct method to install eclipse kura on raspberry pi 3. (supposed eclise kura 1.4 or 2.1 with Rasbarian or Ubuntu mate os)
I would recommend using Raspbian and following the instructions here: http://eclipse.github.io/kura/doc/raspberry-pi-quick-start.html. That documentation is kept the most current.