I am trying out Grails, and am encountering some problems with GSP.
I have three classes, namely: Author, Books and Award. 1 author can have many books, and each book can have multiple awards. The following are the domain controllers:
class Author {
String authorName
static hasMany = [books : Book]
class Book {
String bookName
BigDecimal price
static belongsTo=[author : Author]
static hasMany=[awards: Award]
class Award {
String awardName
Date awardDate
static belongsTo = [book : Book]
The following is my GSP:
<th >Author Name</th>
<th >Books</th>
<th >Awards</th>
<g:each in="${authorList}" var="author" status="i">
<td> ${author.authorName} </td>
<td> ${author.books} </td>
<td> ${author.books.awards} </td>
It is currently showing:
Books as: [Book 2, Book 1]
Awards as: [[], [Award 1]]
I would like to show them as: Books: 1. Book 2 2. Book 1
2. Award 1
Can I put both Book and Award into an object and use to iterate them?
Thank you in advance.
and ${author.books.awards}
is a SET, so you can
<g:each in="${author.books}" var="book">
<td> ${book?.bookName} </td>
<td> ${book?.price} </td>