how can you find all links (no anchors) and place them inside a list, in the order that they appear, in jQuery.
For example:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sit amet ipsum ut justo fermentum hendrerit ultricies.
So, this would become:
Lorem ipsum
sit amet,
adipiscing elit.
sit amet ipsum ut justo fermentum hendrerit ultricies.
Basically I'm using for my site, so when a user fills in a form, the youtube/flickr links automatically appear where he created them. The problem I'm having is that the thumbnail for the youtube video appears to be too large, and does not toggle properly (i.e. I want the user to click on the thumbnail for the video to show up). (So, for example if the user clicks on the dolar link, the youtube video should appear below it, like it does in the samples).
I'm using php on the server side with php markdown.
The query code for embedly is below:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("a").embedly({}, function(oembed, dict){
if ( oembed == null)
alert("no embedly content found");
var output = "<a class='embedly' href='#'><img src='"+oembed.thumbnail_url+"' /></a><span>"+oembed.title+"</span>";
output += oembed['code'];
$(dict["node"]).parent().html( output );
var anchors = $("a"); anchors.embedly(); anchors.filter("[href*]").addClass("googlenl");
$('a.embedly').live("click", function(e){
The html my site makes when a adds a video link is:
> <div id="content">
> <div class="youtube">
> <p><a class="embedly" href="#"><img
> src="phpForum_files/hqdefault.jpg"></a><span>UEFAChanpions
> League 2005-2006 RealMadrid vs Arsenal
> 2ndleg</span><div
> class="embed"><object height="360"
> width="640"><param name="wmode"
> value="opaque"><param name="movie"
> value=""><param
> name="allowFullScreen"
> value="true"><param
> name="allowscriptaccess"
> value="always"><embed
> src="phpForum_files/7aPGa9Gqj2c.swf"
> type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
> allowscriptaccess="always"
> allowfullscreen="true" wmode="opaque"
> height="360"
> width="640"></object></div></p>
> </div> </div>
Sorry for the elongated question. Cheers.
$("#container").find("a").wrap("<li />").wrap("<ul />");