Consider the following BNF grammer (where non-terminals are enclosed in angle-brackets and <identifier>
matches to any legal Java variable identifier).
<exp> ::= <exp> + <term>
| <exp> - <term>
| <term>
<term> ::= <term> * <factor>
| <term> / <factor>
| <factor>
<factor> ::= ( <exp> )
| <identifier>
Produce a derivation three for the following expression:
(x - a) * (y + b)
Staring with exp:
replace exp with term:
replace term with:
<term> * <factor>
replace term with factor:
<factor> * <factor>
replace both factors with (exp):
( <exp> ) * ( <exp> )
replace the first exp with exp - term and the second with exp + term
( <exp> - <term> ) * ( <exp> + <term> )
replace both exp's with term, and then replace all 4 terms with factors.
( <factor> - <factor> ) * ( <factor> + <factor> )
replace all factors with identifiers
( <identifier> - <identifier> ) * ( <identifier> + <identifier> )
Does this suffice?
You need to go one step further - <factor>
is a nonterminal, and you should reduce it down to <identifier>
Additionally, you should be starting from <expr>
(and then reducing it to <term>
) rather than starting from <term>