Hello i am new here and not a native English speaker so please forgive me for any mistakes on my grammar and on my question formatting.
I am building an app with php using laravel framework 5.4 version. The web app is very simple its for reviewing articles and users that posts articles.
I would like to learn how i can union the results of the functions within my model. I want the allReviews function from user model to return the reviews the user has mixed with the reviews his articles have orderby createdtime.
let me explain better.
here is my 3 main tables:
Users | Articles | Reviews
--------- | --------- | ---------
id | id | id
name | user_id | reviewable_id
email | title | reviewable_type
password | body | reviewtext
etc.. | etc.. | created_time
and here is my models code :
class User extends Model{
protected $table = 'users';
public function articles()
return $this->hasMany(Article::class,'user_id');
public function reviews(){
return $this->morphMany(Review::class,'reviewable');
public function allReviews(){
i want union something like this:
$result = $this->reviews() union
foreach ($this->Articles() as $Article) {
union $Article->reviews();
orderby created_time ASC or DESC doesn't matter
return $result
class Article extends Model{
protected $table = 'articles';
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class,'user_id');
public function reviews(){
return $this->morphMany(Review::class,'reviewable');
class Review extends Model{
protected $table = 'reviews';
public function reviewable(){
return $this->morphTo('reviewable');
So my question is how i can do the function allReviews from user to work ?
Any help is appreciated :) Thank You
Calling the $user->reviews property will return all reviewable models. You don't have to UNION anything, Eloquent will take care of that for you.
Try this:
public function allReviews(){
$reviews = new \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;
foreach($this->articles as $article)
$reviews = $reviews->merge($article->reviews);
$reviews = $reviews->merge($this->reviews);
return $reviews;
I'm really tired now and I have a feeling you might get the N+1 query problem situation here but it should work for you.