I need some internal state in a viewModel but also trying to follow the "no subscription / bind / drive / ..." ideal approach and only compose between Observables
How can I specify what a Variable
private var userProfilesToFetch = Variable<[String]>([])
private var users: Variable<[User]> {
return //something that observes fetchUserProfiles() and when it emits, appends to its .value
private func fetchUserProfiles() -> Observable<User?> {
let reference = databaseRef.child("users")
return userProfilesToFetch.asObservable()
.filter({ $0 != [] })
.map({ $0.last! })
.flatMap({ (userId) -> Observable<User?> in
return self.service.observeAllChildren(of: reference.child(userId), by: .value)
.map({ (snapshot) -> User? in
guard let values = snapshot.value as? [String: AnyObject] else { return nil }
var user = User(dictionary: values)
user.id = snapshot.key
return user
The "ideal approach" is to avoid the use of Subjects/Variables. Instead, favor sequence emitters (functions that return an observable,) sequence receivers (functions that accept an observable as a parameter,) and sequence transformers (functions that do both.)
Sequence emitters and receivers necessarily perform side effects and inside a sequence receiver, there is necessarily a subscribe/bind in order to unpack the value and use it.
There should be a direct and obvious link between the emitters and receivers. Subjects/Variables tend to break that link.
In this ideal approach, your "view model" is not a class/struct containing a bunch of variables. Your view model is a function that takes observables as parameters and returns observables for the view controller to bind to. For example:
class MyViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var name: UITextView!
@IBOutlet weak var label: UILabel!
func viewDidLoad() {
let viewModel = myViewModel(name: name.rx.text.orEmpty)
viewModel.label.bind(to: label.rx.text).disposed(by: bag)
let bag = DisposeBag()
struct MyViewModel {
let label: Observable<String>
// this function could be turned into an `init` method on the MyViewModel struct if you would prefer.
fun myViewModel(name: Observable<String>) -> MyViewModel {
let label = name.map { "Hello \($0)!" }
return MyViewModel(label: label)