Table name radacct radacctid is the pk accountuniqueid is the almost unique string generated by subscribers at connection time.
This is the mysql query that ouputs duplicated entries I want delete the result in the same command y order to automate this process.
select *
from radacct
group by acctuniqueid
(radacct.acctuniqueid > 1)
I assume you meant HAVING COUNT(acctuniqueid) > 1
in your HAVING
clause. If you truly want to delete ALL duplicates (i.e. keeping NONE of the dupes):
`acctuniqueid` IN (
SELECT `acctuniqueid` FROM (
SELECT `acctuniqueid`
FROM radacct
GROUP BY `acctuniqueid`
HAVING COUNT(`acctuniqueid`) > 1
) x
The intermediary SELECT
is necessary for MySQL to ignore the same table reference within a direct sub-select.
Please be advised to perform a full table backup before the deletion.