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APACHE Mod Rewrite - Dynamic URLs to Semantic URLs

I have a little web app based on Google Maps. I have URLs like this:

and I want to have exactly this:

So I want to convert my parametric dynamic URLs into semantic URLs

How can I achieve this?!

I have tried to put the following code on my .htaccess

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^web/([A-Z0-9]+)/$ web.php?u=$1

But sadly, when I try to access it redirects me to 404 page.

What I'm doing wrong?


  • RewriteRule ^web/([A-Z0-9]+)/$ web.php?u=$1

    Your RewriteRule pattern (^web/([A-Z0-9]+)/$) does not allow hyphens, enforces a trailing slash and only matches uppercase letters, so this won't match the URL you are requesting.

    Try something like the following instead:

    RewriteRule ^web/([\w-]+)$ web.php?u=$1 [L]

    The \w is a shorthand character class that is equivalent to [a-zA-Z0-9_].