I have an horizontal scrollable ScrollView which has a lot of imageViews. I want to highlight the imageView a user has clicked on but I´m not sure how to do this. I have added a tap gesture to the image:
let tap = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(imgTapped(_:)))
But I´m not ure what to do in the imgTapped
function from here... I have a unique tag for each imageView.
Any help would be appreciated.
If you have a collection of all your imageViews
you could do something like this:
func imgTapped(_ sender: UIGestureRecognizer) {
// get the tag for the clicked imageView
guard let tag = sender.view?.tag else { return }
let imageView = ImageViews.filter { $0.tag == tag }.first
Otherwise you can iterate through your scrollViews subviews
, checkout the comments and see what happens in the code:
func imgTapped(_ sender: UIGestureRecognizer) {
// get the tag for the clicked imageView
guard let tag = sender.view?.tag else { return }
// iterate through your scrollViews subviews
// and check if it´s an imageView
for case let imageView as UIImageView in self.imageScrollView.subviews {
// check if the tag matches the clicked tag
if imageView.tag == tag {
// this is the tag the user has clicked on
// highlight it here