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spring mongodb aggregation compare two field and get sum of one column

I have a order collection and orderLastStatusChangeDatetime, estimatedDeliveryDatetime and orderPrice are filed name of orders collection. I have to get sum of orderPrice where orderLastStatusChangeDatetime less or equal to estimatedDeliveryDatetime . I have used the below query to get the total record ...

Criteria criteria = new Criteria() {
        public DBObject getCriteriaObject() {
            DBObject obj = new BasicDBObject();
            obj.put("$where", "this.orderLastStatusChangeDatetime <= this.estimatedDeliveryDatetime");
            return obj;

    Query query = new Query();


    totalOrder = (int) mongoTemplate.count(query,ORDERS_COLLECTION_NAME);

But I have to get the sum of order price. I have use the same criteria in aggregation match . But it give error "Command failed with error 16395: 'exception: $where is not allowed inside of a $match aggregation expression'"


  • You can use the below aggregation pipeline. Creates a cmp field in $project stage to hold the result for orderLastStatusChangeDatetime <= estimatedDeliveryDatetime followed by $match with cmp equal to true and $group with $sum the order price.

    import static*;
    import static;
    Aggregation aggregation = newAggregation(project("orderPrice").andExpression("orderLastStatusChangeDatetime <= estimatedDeliveryDatetime").as("cmp"), match(Criteria.where("cmp").is(true)), group().sum("orderPrice").as("total"));
    BasicDBObject results = mongoOperations.aggregate(aggregation, ORDERS_COLLECTION_NAME, BasicDBObject.class).getUniqueMappedResult();
    int totalOrder = results.getInt("total");

    Update: Use AggregationExpression in 1.8.5 RELEASE

    Aggregation agg = newAggregation(
        project("orderPrice").and(new AggregationExpression() {
                    public DBObject toDbObject(AggregationOperationContext context) {
                        return new BasicDBObject("$lte", Arrays.<Object>asList("$orderLastStatusChangeDatetime", "$estimatedDeliveryDatetime"));