I'm using PyModm as an ORM layer for MongoDB for my Django CRUD app.
I created a MongoModel as in so:
class Book(MongoModel):
title = fields.CharField(primary_key=True)
author = fields.CharField()
To create and update documents the pymodm API is really good, but I couldn't find an easy way to retrieve one or more documents, as Book.object.all() returns a QuerySet that seems to be only Json-serializable when iterating over it.
So the workaround I found is
books = []
for book in Book.objects.all():
'title': book.title,
'author': contact.author
return JsonResponse(books)
And for retrieving one book by it's primary-key:
for book in Book.objects.raw({'_id': title}):
book = {
'author': book.author,
'title': book.title
return JsonResponse(book)
However, this seems not a very sufficient nor pretty way. Is there any better way?
Maybe values()
will help:
books = list(Book.objects.values().all())
book = Book.objects.values().get({'_id': user_id})