Microsoft DataMarket platform retired on April 30, 2017 and moved the Microsoft Translator API to Azure.
They have a full example of how to get the new token in C# here
Our old process, however, is perl which I have zero prior experience with. It grabbed the token using post
in the code below :
if (!$token or time > $expire - 5) {
$token = '';
console_log("Getting a new access token.") if ($debug);
my $response = $ua->post(
client_id => $clientid,
client_secret => $clientsecret,
scope => '',
grant_type => 'client_credentials',
if ($response->is_success and $response->content =~ /^\{"token_type":".+?","access_token":"(.+?)","expires_in":"(\d+?)","scope":".+?"\}$/) {
$token = uri_escape("Bearer $1");
$expire = time + $2;
if ($fh) {
seek($fh, 0,0);
print $fh "expire:$expire\n";
print $fh "token:$token\n";
truncate($fh, tell($fh));
} else {
console_log("Failed to get Access Token.") if ($debug);
close $fh if($fh);
return $token;
I was thinking that this could be as simple as changing to the updated url and scraping the old client_id and client secret, something like this :
my $response = $ua->post(
//Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key => newazurekey
I have two concerns though
1) The documentation sites I have found and read, one says Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key is a header, the other a parameter is the code
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key => newazurekey
ok? does Perl allow dashes?
Documentation sites : one, two, three
2) The response recieved testing the API doesn't seem to have the
like in the old code
I'm referring to this condition
if ($response->is_success and $response->content =~ /^\{"token_type":".+?","access_token":"(.+?)","expires_in":"(\d+?)","scope":".+?"\}$/)
The response looks like this
Am I on the right track for grabbing the token correctly or will more changes need to be made?
# Sample code uses five minutes
use constant DEFAULT_TOKEN_LIFETIME => 5 * 60;
From a cursory look, the following might work:
if (!$token or time > $expire - 5) {
$token = '';
console_log("Getting a new access token.") if ($debug);
my $response = $ua->post(
'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key' => $newazurekey,
if ($response->is_success) {
$token = "Bearer " . $response->decoded_content;
$expire = time + DEFAULT_TOKEN_LIFETIME;
if ($fh) {
seek($fh, 0,0);
print $fh "expire:$expire\n";
print $fh "token:$token\n";
truncate($fh, tell($fh));
} else {
console_log("Failed to get Access Token.") if ($debug);
close $fh if($fh);
return $token;
This comment says token lifetime is ten minutes, but the code sample uses a five minute interval:
// Use a duration of 5 minutes, which is less than the actual token lifetime of 10 minutes. private static readonly TimeSpan TokenCacheDuration = new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0);