Table 1: MSISDN Table
Table 2: Account Manager Table
ID Account Manager Name Account Manager Email Count
Table 3: Assignment Table
ID Account Manager ID Account Manager Name Account Manager Email Count
Whenever there is a new entry in MSISDN table, I want to insert MSISDN_Number along with ID, Account Manager Name, Account Manager Email from Account Manager Table INTO Assignment Table automatically. There is one condition on Account Manager Table that I want to select only records for lowest count under count column in Account Manager Table.
My Approach: 1. To get details from Account Manager Table for lowest count:
SELECT TOP 1 AccountManager_Table.[ID], AccountManager_Table.[Account Manager Name], AccountManager_Table.[Account Manager Email]
FROM AccountManager_Table
Where AccountManager_Table.[Count] =(SELECT MIN(Count) from AccountManager_Table);
2.Not working INSERT Into Query:
INSERT INTO Assignment_Table ( [Account Manager ID], [Account Manager Name], [Account Manager Email],[MSISDN No] )
(SELECT TOP 1 AccountManager_Table.[ID], AccountManager_Table.[Account Manager Name], AccountManager_Table.[Account Manager Email]
FROM AccountManager_Table
WHERE (((AccountManager_Table.Count)=(SELECT MIN(Count) from AccountManager_Table)))
WHERE ID = (SELECT MAX(ID) FROM AccountManager_Table)
I want to insert MSISDN and Account Manager Details in assignment table together.Please help :( Thanks.
You need to make both of your SELECT statements into a single SELECT statement.
Look at how to do a JOIN:
Also, your third table doesn't have a column for MSISDN Number, so you'll have to add that column. The columns being fed into the table need to match to columns that exist in the table.