I'm working with some large matrices with values along a diagonal similar to the following.
ontrack <- matrix(c(
nrow=14, byrow=T
I would like to fill in data gaps of length 'n' or less to connect segments of the diagonal. Using the above matrix for example and filling in data gaps of 3 or less, I would like to go from this:
diag_indx <- which(!is.na(ontrack), arr.ind=T)
which gives
row col
[1,] 1 1
[2,] 2 1
[3,] 3 3
[4,] 7 5
[5,] 7 6
[6,] 9 8
[7,] 14 13
to this
row col
1 1
2 1
newV 3 2
3 3
new 4 4
new 5 4
new 6 4
7 5
7 6
new 8 7
9 8
14 13
For instances like newV
, the result can be (2,2) or (3,2). My subsequent code uses the diag_indx
matrix but data gaps could be filled in the ontrack
matrix directly (using any value is ok) if it is more efficient.
In trying to work out a solution, I was envisioning finding the data gaps in the diag_indx
matrix using this sequence length equation
seqle <- function(x, incr=1) {
if(!is.integer(x)) x <- as.integer(x)
n <- length(x)
y <- x[-1L] != x[-n] + incr
i <- c(which(y|is.na(y)),n)
list(lengths = diff(c(0L,i)),
values = x[head(c(0L,i)+1L,-1L)])
and then filling in the data gaps using seq()
. I'm just not sure how to put it all together efficiently. Thank you for your help.
After some trial and error I came up with a (not so pretty) solution that only requires base R functions.
diagFillSeq <- function(diag_indx, fillgap=1){
for(cols in 1:2){
diag_indx <- diag_indx[order(diag_indx[, cols]), ] #Sort by selected column
diffs <- diff(diag_indx[, cols])
#Find breaks in sequence with differences >1 (diffs==1 are in sequence) and less than or equal to fillgap
gap_indx <- which(diffs > 1 & diffs <= (fillgap +1)) #need +1 because fencepost error: 3rd & 7th post diffs=4 but fillgap=3)
if(length(gap_indx) == 0){break}
insert_indx <- gap_indx[1]
seq_length <- diffs[gap_indx[1]] - 1 #need -1 because fencepost error
#Subset diag_indx and insert filling sequence
diag_indx <- rbind(diag_indx[1:insert_indx, ],
as.integer( seq(from=diag_indx[insert_indx, 1] +1, to=diag_indx[insert_indx+1, 1] -1, length.out=seq_length) ),
as.integer( seq(from=diag_indx[insert_indx, 2] +1, to=diag_indx[insert_indx+1, 2] -1, length.out=seq_length) )
diag_indx[(insert_indx+1):nrow(diag_indx), ])
#Recheck first column to see if any new sequence gaps were created
diffs <- diff(diag_indx[, 1])
gap_indx <- which(diffs > 1 & diffs <= (fillgap +1))
if(length(gap_indx) == 0){return(unname(diag_indx))}
And a test on the diag_indx
whatIwant <- matrix(as.integer(c(1,2,3,3,4,5,6,7,7,8,9,14, 1,1,2,3,4,4,4,5,6,7,8,13)), ncol=2)
# [,1] [,2]
# [1,] 1 1
# [2,] 2 1
# [3,] 3 2
# [4,] 3 3
# [5,] 4 4
# [6,] 5 4
# [7,] 6 4
# [8,] 7 5
# [9,] 7 6
#[10,] 8 7
#[11,] 9 8
#[12,] 14 13
identical(diagFillSeq(diag_indx, fillgap=3), whatIwant)