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Debugging PHP Mail with phpmailer and XAMPP to Yahoo email

I've downloaded the latest update of XAMPP which pretty much messed up my old config. I was at one point able to send basic mail() with PHP but once I updated it stopped.

I researched a bit and everyone recommended Zend or PHPMailer. I tried PHPMailer, it returned me an error saying cound not get a response.

Messed around with my php.ini and increased the socket timeout from 60 to 120. That didn't work so I tried sending test mails to myself.

Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25,
verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set()

So, I checked php.ini

[mail function]
; For Win32 only.
SMTP = localhost
smtp_port = 25;

;Add X-PHP-Originating-Script: that will 
;include uid of the script followed by the filename

Ok, so I thought, "I'll just use the PHPMailer to include the SMTP and Port:


$mail             = new PHPMailer();        // defaults to using php "mail()";

$body             = file_get_contents('contents.html');
$body             = eregi_replace("[\]",'',$body);

$mail->IsSMTP();                            // telling the class to use SMTP
$mail->AddReplyTo("","Company Name Here");
$mail->Host       = "localhost";           // SMTP server
$mail->SMTPDebug  = 2;                      // enables SMTP debug information (for testing)
$mail->Port       = 25;                     // set the SMTP port for the GMAIL server

$mail->From       = "";
$mail->FromName   = "Company Name Here";

$address = "";
$mail->AddAddress($address, "Hello to myself for testing!");

$mail->Subject    = "PHPMailer Test Subject via mail(), basic";

$mail->AltBody    = "To view the message, please use an HTML compatible email viewer!"; // optional, comment out and test


//$mail->AddAttachment("images/phpmailer.gif");      // attachment
//$mail->AddAttachment("images/phpmailer_mini.gif"); // attachment

if(!$mail->Send()) {
  echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;
} else {
  echo "Message sent!";

mail.add_x_header = Off 

Which said:

SMTP -> ERROR: Failed to connect to server: 
A connection attempt failed because the connected 
party did not properly respond after a period of 
time, or established connection failed because 
connected host has failed to respond. (10060)

SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host. 
Mailer Error: SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host.

Mercury Said:

This message is sending now ...

Error! The message was not successfully sent!

Zurück zum Formular

Spent all that time and I'm wondering now, is it my code, php.ini, the phpmailer, or Yahoo?


  • I think you're missing a mailserver. Or have you a local mailserver running at port 25? ;-) But XAMPP brings a mailserver with it named Mercury - so... start it and have fun ;-).