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Angular-translate : How can I refresh content (api request) when I change language?

I'm new in AngularJS and I try to understand how to use it. I'm using angular-translate to translate my website and it works but I have a problem with the dynamic content from the database.

I get the dynamic content by an api request. I would like to "redo" the request with the good language to get the content reloaded in the good language.

I catch the "translateChangeSuccess" event but how can I "redo" the previous api request ?

Thank you very much for your help :) ps : sorry for my english

Edit :

// my run block :

(function ()
    'use strict';


    function runBlock($rootScope, $timeout, $state, $cookieStore)

        $rootScope.$on('$translateChangeSuccess', function () {

          // catch translateChangeSuccess event
          // redo the previous api request




// my change language function 

       * Change Language
      function changeLanguage(lang)
          angular.forEach(vm.languages, function(value, key) {

              if (lang.code == key)
                  $translate.use(lang.code); // launch translateChangeSuccess event

 // my api service

 function apiService($http, $resource, $translate, CONFIG_API)
        // change header with good language 
        $http.defaults.headers.common["Accept-Language"] = $translate.proposedLanguage();

        var api = {};

        // Base Url
        api.baseUrl = CONFIG_API.base_url;

        // request to reload when user changes language
        api.Documents = $resource(api.baseUrl + 'documents/:id', 
            {id: '@id'},
            {update: {method: 'PUT'}}


  • Ok, so I found how to do that. I just ask data to the api again through a service (apiResolver)

    test.module.js :

    (function ()
        'use strict';
            .module('app.test_module', [])
        /** @ngInject */
        function config($stateProvider, msApiProvider)
            // State
            $stateProvider.state('app.test_module', {
                url      : '/myurl',
                views    : {
                    'content@app': {
                        templateUrl: 'mytemplate.html',
                        controller : 'MyController as vm'
                resolve  : {
                    test : function (apiResolver) 
                        return apiResolver.resolve('myquery@query');

    and test.controller.js :

    (function ()
        'use strict';
            .controller('testController', testController);
        /** @ngInject */
        function testController($rootScope, apiResolver, dataToDisplay)
            var vm = this;
            // Data
            vm.dataToDisplay = dataToDisplay;
            $rootScope.$on('$translateChangeSuccess', function () {
               // reload my content
                .then(function(result) {
                    vm.dataToDisplay = result;
          // more code here but not usefull in this example

    There is maybe a better way but it works, my data are translated when the user changes language :)