The use case is to implement a dirty field tracker. For this I have an interface:
public interface Dirtyable {
String ID = "dirty";
Set<String> getDirty();
static <T> T wrap(final T delegate) {
return DirtyableInterceptor.wrap(delegate, ReflectionUtils::getPropertyName);
static <T> T wrap(final T delegate, final Function<Method, String> resolver) {
return DirtyableInterceptor.wrap(delegate, resolver);
In the interceptor class the wrapping method is:
static <T> T wrap(final T delegate, final Function<Method, String> resolver) {
requireNonNull(delegate, "Delegate must be non-null");
requireNonNull(resolver, "Resolver must be non-null");
final Try<Class<T>> delegateClassTry = Try.of(() -> getClassForType(delegate.getClass()));
return delegateClassTry.flatMapTry(delegateClass ->
dirtyableFor(delegate, delegateClass, resolver))
.getOrElseThrow(t -> new IllegalStateException(
"Could not wrap dirtyable for " + delegate.getClass(), t));
The method dirtyableFor
defines a ByteBuddy which forwards to a specific instance at each call. However, instrumenting at every invocation is a bit expensive so it caches the instrumented subclass from the given instance's class. For this I use the resilience4j
library (a.k.a. javaslang-circuitbreaker
private static <T> Try<Class<? extends T>> dirtyableFor(final T delegate,
final Class<T> clazz,
final Function<Method, String> resolver) {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
Try<Class<? extends T>> r = Try.of(() -> ofCheckedSupplier(() ->
new ByteBuddy().subclass(clazz)
.defineField(Dirtyable.ID, Set.class, Visibility.PRIVATE)
.intercept(reference(new HashSet<>()))
.to(new DirtyableInterceptor(delegate, resolver)))
System.out.println("Instrumentation time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
return r;
private static <T> Cache<Class<? super T>, Class<T>> getCache() {
final CachingProvider provider = Caching.getCachingProvider();
final CacheManager manager = provider.getCacheManager();
final javax.cache.Cache<Class<? super T>, Class<T>> cache =
final Cache<Class<? super T>, Class<T>> dirtyCache = Cache.of(cache);
return dirtyCache;
From the logs, the intrumentation time drops from 70-100ms for a cache miss to 0-2ms for a cache hit.
For completeness here is the interceptor method:
public Object intercept(final @Origin Method method, final @This Dirtyable dirtyable,
final @Pipe Function<Object, Object> pipe) throws Throwable {
if (ReflectionUtils.isSetter(method)) {
final String property = resolver.apply(method);
logger.debug("Intercepted setter [{}], resolved property " +
"[{}] flagged as dirty.", method, property);
return pipe.apply(this.delegate);
This solution works well, except that the DirtyableInterceptor
is always the same for cache hits, so the delegate instance is also the same.
Is it possible to bind a forwarder to a supplier of an instance so that intercepted methods would forward to it? How could this be done?
You can create a stateless interceptor by making your intercept
method static
. To access the object's state, define two fields on your subclass which you access using the @FieldValue
annotations in your now static interceptor. Instead of using the FixedValue::reference
instrumentation, you would also need to use the FieldAccessor
implementation to read the value. You also need to define the fields using the defineField
builder method.
You can set these fields either by:
interface and intercepting them using the FieldAccessor
implementation. final
. To implement the constructor, you first need to invoke a super constructor and then call the FieldAccessor
several times to set the fields.Doing so, you have created a fully stateless class that you can reuse but one that you need to initialze. Byte Buddy already offers a built-in TypeCache
for easy reuse.