I have a multilingual site built with TYPO3 V7.6.18. It uses a slogan which should remain editable but different for three languages. This is a variable that is hard-coded in the Fluid templates.
For variables of this kind I use a file Configuration/TypoScript/constants.ts
where I define the variable that can be edited (WEB -> Template -> Constant Editor
) and used:
# constants.ts
# customsubcategory=general=General Setup
myextension.configuration {
general {
# cat=myextension/general/05; type=string; label=Website Slogan.
slogan= website slogan in main language
[globalVar = GP:L=1]
myextension.configuration.general.slogan = website slogan in second language
[globalVar = GP:L=2]
myextension.configuration.general.slogan = website slogan in third language
I then bind the variable in Configuration/TypoScript/setup.ts
for use:
# setup.ts
page = PAGE
page {
# Page Main template
10 {
variables {
# slogan
slogan = TEXT
slogan.value = {$myextension.configuration.general.slogan}
This code works, but only the slogan in the main language is editable ...
Any solution to make the slogans editable in the other two languages?
I'd recommend to use language identifiers for the constants instead:
myextension.configuration {
general {
slogan {
# cat=myextension/general/05; type=string; label=Website Slogan in default language.
default = website slogan in main language
# cat=myextension/general/06; type=string; label=Website Slogan in second language.
second = website slogan in second language
# cat=myextension/general/07; type=string; label=Website Slogan in third language.
third = website slogan in third language
Then move the condition to the setup:
page = PAGE
page {
# Page Main template
10 {
variables {
# slogan
slogan = TEXT
slogan.value = {$myextension.configuration.general.slogan.default}
[globalVar = GP:L=1]
page.10.variables.slogan.value = {$myextension.configuration.general.slogan.second}
[globalVar = GP:L=2]
page.10.variables.slogan.value = {$myextension.configuration.general.slogan.third}