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Setting the draggable containment to coordinates [x1, y1, x2, y2]

The white div is the parent container while the red div is the child and also the draggable div.

Now I don't want the red div edges to enter the parent div when dragged so I tried to set the draggable containment to x and y coordinates.

parDivLeft = $('div#parent').offset().left;
parDivTop = $('div#parent').offset().top;
parDivWid = $('div#parent').width();
parDivHei = $('div#parent'). height();
dragDivW = $('div#drag').width();
dragDivH = $('div#drag').height();
coorX = dragDivW - parDivWid;
coorY = dragDivH - parDivHei;
x1 = parDivLeft - coorX;
x2 = parDivLeft + parDivWid + coorX;
x1 = parDivTop - coorY;
x2 = parDivTop + parDivHei + coorY;


But am not achieving what I want. The red div edges still come into the white div which I don't want. Please can someone help me out


  • You can create a div element and append it to the body using it as the containment element.

    //Using values from your code
    newDivH = x2 - x1;
    newDivW = y2 - y1;
    $newDiv = $('<div>').css({
        width: newDivW+'px',
        height: newDivH+'px',