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How to display Enum as DropDownList in .Net MVC Core

I have a class called Options where I'm keeping a bunch of enumerables for different options. One of these is a Sizes enumerable which is used in my Ball model. How do I get my Size field for my Ball to display as a dropdown list when creating a new Ball? I assume I need to make an Editor Template but I don't know what that's supposed to look like.

Here's some example code:


public class Options
    public enum Sizes

    public enum Material


public class Ball
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public Options.Sizes Size { get; set; }
    public Options.Material Material { get; set; }

Index.cshtml @model WebApplication.Models.Ball

<form asp-action="Create" asp-controller="Ball">
    <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>

How do I get EditorForModel to display the enum properties as DropDownLists with the possible values of the Enum?


  • I figured it out with a bit of help from this source

    I didn't create a helper like it suggests but I used the same principles from the helper to create a EditorTemplate for my Sizes enum. Here's what it looks like:


    @model Options.Sizes 
        var values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Options.Sizes)).Cast<Options.Sizes>();
        IEnumerable<SelectListItem> items =
            from value in values
            select new SelectListItem
                Text = value.ToString(),
                Value = value.ToString(),
                Selected = (value.Equals(Options.Sizes.ATX_Full))
    @Html.DropDownList("Size", items)

    Now when I call @Html.EditorForModel() in my Ball.cshtml, it references this editor template and creates a dropdown with all the options in the enum.