Search code examples

Cloudrail - OneDrive API : Advanced search request fails

I'm using cloudrail Node.Js v2.17.3.

I have to do an advanced request on OneDrive API.

The authentication part and getting/storing credentials have succeeded. Here is the request I have to do (according to OneDrive's doc): /drive/root/search(q='IMG_001.jpg')

Of course, the file is present in my OneDrive account.

Here is the code :

const req = new cloudrail.types.AdvancedRequestSpecification("/drive/root/search(q='IMG_001.jpg')");
req.setHeaders({"Content-Type": "application/json"});
service.advancedRequest(req, (err, res) => {
   console.log(err, res);

Err.message says : "Invalid API or resource".

However, when I try the simple request "/drive/root/children", it works...

Thank you in advance.


  • Microsoft recently introduced their new Graph API which is used by all of the services as far as I know. So the documentation you are referring to is for the new API. Try using '/drive/items/{the_folder_id or root}/' instead. You also might need to url encode the parameter. So the safest solution would probably be sth like that:

    const url = "/drive/items/root/" + encodeURIComponent("[search query]");
    const req = new cloudrail.types.AdvancedRequestSpecification(url);
    service.advancedRequest(req, (err, res) => {
        console.log(err, res);