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Youtube-dl add metadata during audio conversion

Sorry if this question is misguided. I'm using youtube-dl to download song videos as mp3's before adding them to itunes.

The problem is that the videos dont seem to contain the metadata in there. I read what i could understand about --add-metadata option but is this option only used to add the ids if they are already in the video?

I know the artist and song title so Id like a way to add it in directly if possible. Something to the effect --add-metadata-artist "Pink Floyd"

Is that possible with the current configuration options? I saw this related issue but it didnt really help

Here are my current configuration settings:

options = {
        'outtmpl':'%(id)s.%(ext)s',     #name the file the ID of the video
        'postprocessors': [{
            'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio',
            'preferredcodec': 'mp3',
            'preferredquality': '192',


  • There is the youtube-dl option: --add-metadata see the post-processing documentation. The documentation says that it will add metadata to the video file, but this will also work for audio files. I've used it to download the m4a audio file for a video, so it should also work for mp3. This option adds Artist, Track Title, Date and Comment tags.

    I found that I needed to download FFmpeg for this to work, I just put the ffmpeg.exe file in the same directory as youtube-dl.exe (this is on a windows system).

    I just noticed you mentioned you'd noticed this option. From testing it appears that it's using the Video Uploader for the Artist Tag, the actual Video name as the Title tag, the Video publish date as the Date tag and the Video comment for the Comment tag. So for music videos this is probably not ideal.