I am following the example from here exactly and have my own version:
gulp.task('build-js', function() {
var bundler = browserify('js/*.js');
return bundler.pipe()
But why do I get this error:
$ gulp
[21:48:33] Using gulpfile /var/www/html/mysite/gulpfile.js
[21:48:33] Starting 'apply-prod-environment'...
Setting NODE_ENV to 'production'
Successfully set NODE_ENV to production
[21:48:33] Finished 'apply-prod-environment' after 169 μs
[21:48:33] Starting 'build-js'...
[21:48:33] 'build-js' errored after 11 ms
[21:48:33] TypeError: bundler.pipe is not a function
What have I missed?
It seems that example provided by vinyl-buffer
has a mistake: You must call bundle()
before adding transforms, not pipe()
return bundler.bundle()
Another example is provided in the Gulp repository (one should indeed use the browserify API directly in Gulp).