I'm having trouble getting MongoDB to return documents when using (I am assuming) different precision queries.
Here is a sample record in my DB:
{"P_Latitude": "32.896272727272", "P_Longitude": "-109.8293454545"}
Here is a sample query that returns no documents:
"P_Latitude": {
"$gt": "32.097473448554915",
"$lt": "33.45585495144508"
"P_Longitude": {
"$lt": "-110.0001001",
"$gt": "-99.9999999"
However, when I change the last $gt to a number greater than -100 it works...like:
"P_Latitude": {
"$gt": "32.097473448554915",
"$lt": "33.45585495144508"
"P_Longitude": {
"$lt": "-110.0001001",
"$gt": "-100.9999999"
Is this a precision issue, or something else? It behaves the same in the shell and using the Monk driver.
The problem is that you're storing your P_Latitude
and P_Longitude
values as strings instead of numbers. As a result, the comparisons are performed using lexical order instead of numeric order.
Your docs should look like this instead:
{"P_Latitude": 32.896272727272, "P_Longitude": -109.8293454545}
And queried like this:
"P_Latitude": {
"$gt": 32.097473448554915,
"$lt": 33.45585495144508
"P_Longitude": {
"$gt": -110.0001001,
"$lt": -99.9999999