Say I have created myself an embedded domain specific language in Haskell using a monad. For example a simple language that lets you push and pop values on a stack, implemented using the state monad:
type DSL a = State [Int] a
push :: Int -> DSL ()
pop :: DSL Int
Now I can write small stack manipulation programs using do notation:
program = do
push 10
push 20
a <- pop
push (5*a)
return a
However, I would really like to use my DSL interactively from a REPL (GHCi in particular, willing to use other if it would help).
Unfortunately having a session like:
>push 10
>push 100
Does not immediately work, which is probably rather reasonable. However I really think being able to do something with a similar feel to that would be cool. The way the state monad work does not lend itself easily to this. You need to build up your DSL a
type and then evaluate it.
Is there a way to do something like this. Incrementally using a monad in the REPL?
I have been looking at things like operational, MonadPrompt, and MonadCont which I sort of get the feeling maybe could be used to do something like this. Unfortunately none of the examples I have seen addresses this particular problem.
To an extent.
I don't believe it can be done for arbitrary Monads/instruction sets, but here's something that would work for your example. I'm using operational with an IORef to back the REPL state.
data DSLInstruction a where
Push :: Int -> DSLInstruction ()
Pop :: DSLInstruction Int
type DSL a = Program DSLInstruction a
push :: Int -> DSL ()
push n = singleton (Push n)
pop :: DSL Int
pop = singleton Pop
-- runDslState :: DSL a -> State [Int] a
-- runDslState = ...
runDslIO :: IORef [Int] -> DSL a -> IO a
runDslIO ref m = case view m of
Return a -> return a
Push n :>>= k -> do
modifyIORef ref (n :)
runDslIO ref (k ())
Pop :>>= k -> do
n <- atomicModifyIORef ref (\(n : ns) -> (ns, n))
runDslIO ref (k n)
replSession :: [Int] -> IO (Int -> IO (), IO Int)
replSession initial = do
ref <- newIORef initial
let pushIO n = runDslIO ref (push n)
popIO = runDslIO ref pop
(pushIO, popIO)
Then you can use it like:
> (push, pop) <- replSession [] -- this shadows the DSL push/pop definitions
> push 10
> pop
> push 100
It should be straightforward to use this technique for State/Reader/Writer/IO-based DSLs. I don't expect it to work for everything though.