I have a problem with SOLR Collapse I cannot move with.
Assuming documents
{ id: 1, parent_id: x, value: 3 },
{ id: 2, parent_id: y, value: 5 },
{ id: 3, parent_id: x, value: 7 },
{ id: 4, parent_id: y, value: 10 }
now let's say I want to collapse on parent_id and minimum value doc:
{!collapse field=parent_id min=value }
what I get from SOLR is expected:
GROUP x: { id: 1, parent_id: x, value: 3 },
GROUP y: { id: 2, parent_id: y, value: 5 }
but let's say I want to get results where minimum value is 4, so I apply a filter.
{!collapse field=parent_id min=value } {value:[4 TO *]}
What I get is understandable but not exactly what I want:
GROUP x: { id: 3, parent_id: x, value: 7 },
GROUP y: { id: 2, parent_id: y, value: 5 }
So the results are filtered then collapsed on the parent_id and minimum value is selected but what I really want is to get only those groups which MINIMUM value is within the range:
GROUP y: { id: 2, parent_id: y, value: 5 }
GROUP x is not in result as minimum value is 3
If I understand correctly from docs - collapsing happens after the request but is there any way how to retrieve what I am trying?
Thanks a lot
as you said, the other query is run first, then collapse post filter runs.
I would try this with Streaming Expressions, you should be able to:
Take a look at the things you can do in the page above