Hi I have an action setup but its in flux, and I need to refactor it to match with Redux actions.
Any help would be highly appreciated with migrating both to redux.
Answering your questino from the comments;
How do I use my bind functions as in this reducer with redux? Anad how would I go about this.emit("change") in redux?
In redux, you connect your component to the Redux State as follows:
ReduxEnabledComponent = ReactRedux.connect(
function(state) {
return {
someProp: state.someProp
someAction: function(){
return {type: 'action_type', data: {}}
The above code would take a component named Component
and connect it to the Redux Store. This component would receive props of someProp
, which is a value of the Redux Store, as well as someAction
, which is a method to use for emitting a request to the store.